
Baofeng Two Way Radio Communications

Exceptional quality for the money! Sometimes you get what you pay for in this case you get more than what you paid for these are very low priced very high quality radios with good range and a high build quality. Even the plastic used is of exceptional quality. For the money you can't beat these with a stick!

Sale -22%

Baofeng 888s Walkie Talkie

Regular price ₦13,600.00 ₦14,400.00
Sale -21%

Baofeng A5 Walkie Talkie

Regular price ₦17,600.00 ₦22,400.00
Sale -30%

Baofeng C-5 Walkie Talkie

Regular price ₦18,000.00 ₦25,600.00
Sale -13%

Baofeng UV82 Walkie Talkie

Regular price ₦56,000.00 ₦64,000.00
Sale -21%

Baofeng 777s Walkie Talkie

Regular price ₦15,200.00 ₦19,200.00
Sale -21%

Baofeng 777s Walkie Talkie

Regular price ₦15,200.00 ₦19,200.00
Sale -17%

Baofeng UV5r Walkie Talkie

Regular price ₦40,000.00 ₦48,000.00
Sale -20%

Baofeng UV9r Plus Walkie Talkie

Regular price ₦96,000.00 ₦120,000.00